• They come and they go . . .

    Posted on October 31, 2012 by HannahS in Uncategorized.


    It really doesn’t get any easier as the months go by. Every time we say good-bye it feels like we’re loosing a piece of our hearts. But that’s okay. The separation may last for a time. But the friendships will last for ever. . . . Not to mention we have plans of getting them back. : )


    Maria, as the miles separate us, we pray for the hands of our loving Father to guide, strengthen, and comfort you. You will never know the ways that your life has impacted us and countless others. May the time that you are gone prove to be a time of deepening your love for our Father and increasing your talents to serve.

    (Maria is temporarily is the states to receive more medical training.)

    Mark and Kim, we will forever be overwhelmed with gratitude for all that you poured into the work here. You did more than change diapers and make bottles of milk, you had willing hands to do so many other things that needed attention. And more than that, you let Christ’s love shine through in every part of your lives.

    (Mark and Kim stepped in to help in the children’s while the Adams were in the US.)

    From our whole hearts, thank you.


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