Praise the Lord! Seventeen young people decided to give their lives to God by baptism on March 9. Follow the story by pictures:
Here, Pastor Shim(left) is giving the baptismal sermon while Thara Ehkinyah(right) is translating the sermon into English. Pastor Shim’s main point in the sermon was, the true meaning of baptism. Living a new life in Christ and being a disciple for Him.
After the sermon, the baptismal candidates were asked to come up front where Pastor Shim went over the baptismal vows.
Praise the Lord, we had a full house, plus more people under the church who came to witness the baptism. Our congregation just about doubled!
After the church service was over, we all headed over to the Moei River for the baptism. What a beautiful day the Lord gave to us for this occasion!
This is one of the baptismal candidates, KayGee. She was abandoned by her family and left to die, when someone brought her to our school. She has suffered from arthritis all her life and cannot walk, but praise the Lord, she has chosen to serve God! Even though she has suffered alot, she always has a smile on her face!
The candidates all lined up to be baptized. Each one picked their favorite Bible verse to be read before they enter into the water.