• 2013/2014 Graduation

    Posted on March 3, 2014 by BrendaS in Uncategorized.


    It’s hard to believe that our first tenth grade class has graduated! (This is pretty much the equivalent of a twelfth grade graduation in the US.) When we first moved here, they were in the 8th grade. Now they have graduated and it will be exciting to see how the Lord leads each of the 8 graduates. Please pray for them. Some of them want to be nurses, pastors, teachers, and/or missionaries. Here are some pictures of the graduation.

    It's 8:30 Friday morning, and students, teachers, and family are coming for the event.

    It’s 8:30 Friday morning, and students, teachers, and family are coming for the event.



    Students begin to gather on the tarps.

    Students beginning to gather on the tarps.


    Meanwhile, the graduates are putting on their gowns.

    Meanwhile, the graduates are putting on their gowns and hats.


    Ready to march out.

    Ready to march out.


    Marching to the front.

    Marching to the front.



    Some of our speakers.

    Some of our speakers.

    Grades 8 and 9 giving special music.

    Grades 8 and 9 giving special music.

    Saying Good Bye!

    Saying Good Bye!

    Nay Kaw Htoo gave the scripture reading.

    Nay Kaw Htoo gave the scripture reading.

    Thara Joh Koh gave the commencement address.

    Thara Joh Koh shared a few words.



    Grade 6 gave special music.

    Grades 1-3 gave special music.

    Pastor Lu Htoo gave the commencement address.

    Pastor Luh Htoo gave the commencement address.

    Graduates looking on.

    Graduates looking on.


    Students are also enjoying his speech.

    Students also enjoying his speech.

    Grade 6 giving special music and...

    Grade 6 giving special music and…

    handing out lays to staff.

    putting leis on the staff.

    Our graduation program director.

    Our graduation program director.

    Dah Kuh Say giving a speech.

    Dah Ku Say giving a speech.

    P' Nay Htoo giving another speech.

    P’ Nay Htoo giving another speech.

    Graduating class giving special music.

    Graduating class giving special music.

    Graduates receiving their diplomas and other gifts.

    Graduates receiving their diplomas, English Bible, English Steps to Christ for a Sanctified Life, flowers and a card.


    Our family sang a special music.

    Our family sang a special music of dedication.

    Prayer of dedication.

    Prayer of dedication.


    Our Karen Thai teachers giving special music.

    Our Karen Thai-speaking teachers giving special music.

    Dedication to all our teachers for all their hard work and time they spent with the students.

    Thanks to all of our teachers for their hard work and time they spent with the students.

    Grades 4 and 5 giving special music.

    Grades 4 and 5 giving special music.

    Letting your light shine for His Kingdom and...

    Letting your light shine for His Kingdom and…

    saying Good Bye, till we meet again.

    saying Good Bye, till we meet again.

    Instrumental and singers giving special music.

    Instrumental and singers giving special music–God be With You Till We Meet Again.

    And now the graduates stand for  a picture.

    And now the graduates stand for a picture.

    Marching out!

    Marching out!


    Showered with lays and flowers.

    Showered with leis and flowers.



    Now a group picture in their Karen outfits.

    Now a group picture in their Karen outfits.

    May God give them wisdom and guidance for their future plans.

    May God give them wisdom and guidance for their future plans.

    For a special graduation gift, we invited the graduates over for pizza and apple crisp.

    For a special graduation gift, we invited the graduates over for pizza and apple crisp.



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