• Fundraising Goal Reduced!

    Posted on April 27, 2011 by tsfadmin in Uncategorized.

    Some inquired about our original goal of $36,000 to raise for launching expenses. To some, it may not seem like a lot for a family of four compared to some other mission programs; yet others wonder why it could cost this much just to get to Thailand. Here is a simplified breakdown how we estimated this figure:

    • Travel (Round-trip* airfare; shipping of donated books, etc.; 1-year visas): $8,500 to $10,000
      *We must return to the USA within 1 year to renew our 1-year visas.
    • Pre-launch expenses: $1,750 to $11,750** $5,750
      Includes pre-launch eye, medical and dental expenses; rental/purchase of storage space for personal possessions; some compensation for lost income during 1-month trip to Thailand in March; etc.
    • Electronic equipment: $1,750 to $3,500
      Includes computer equipment, camera(s), etc.
    • Education materials: $250 to $500
      Books and computer software for medical and natural remedy information and language training; etc.
    • Future expenses: $2,250 to $10,250
      Advance toward future monthly support and other expenses
    • Miscellaneous personal items to be purchased before departure: $250 to $500

    **Already, someone has donated a truck which should be sufficient to store our belongings, thus reducing our goal from $36,000 to $30,000.

    As you can see, we are now praying that we will receive between $11,250 and $30,000. We trust that the Lord will provide in one way or another for actual necessities that are not met by the time we leave.

    Regarding our monthly support: Humanly speaking, we would love to have commitments for monthly support of around $1,600 per month. This would cover required annual travel to the USA to renew our 1-year visas, regular monthly expenses, etc. Sunshine Orchard has committed to a minimal monthly stipend, but we are doing what we can to raise our support so that we are not a burden on their already tight budget.

    We hope that we have given sufficient detail for those who have inquired. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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